Infinite Generosity

My week has a regular rhythm. It begins after my Sunday afternoon nap. By 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon, I’m already thinking about next Sunday’s sermon. I spend Monday researching, and Tuesday and Wednesday doing most of the writing. Thursday through Saturday are editing days. Then I preach the message on Sunday. Mixed into the sermon writing schedule is visitation, phone calls, meetings, and whatever else comes up. I call that the miscellaneous category. I budget time for unplanned events or activities because they happen every week.

This past week, a friend of mine from church called and asked me to go shooting at the gun range. I love to do that and since I had budgeted the time, I did. We had a great time. When we were about to leave, he paid for our time on the range and gave me one of his very nice guns as a gift. That was so nice and unexpected. What a blessing to have such a generous man in my church!

The same night, out-of-town friends were coming to town unexpectedly. They called me a few other friends and me and asked if I could meet for dinner. I gladly accepted. One of them picked up the tab and again, I enjoyed the generosity of others.

All this generosity caused me to think about God’s generosity to us. Our friends can give us material gifts, but even those gifts come from God. James 1:17: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 1 Timothy 6:17: Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be conceited and not to put their hope in the uncertainty of wealth, but in God, who richly provides all things for us to enjoy.

God also gives gifts no one else can give. Especially the gift of His Son. John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life. God’s gift to us is His only Son. Whoever believes in Him for salvation will live forever in heaven with God and with Jesus. Perhaps we don’t think of generosity as one of God’s attributes. I think we should. Love always leads to generosity. As a husband and as a parent, one way I show my love is through generosity, the giving of gifts and time. I give most to those I love most.

God gave His most precious treasure, His only Son, because of His great love for us. All He asks if us is that we believe. I had a great day yesterday, and because of the generosity of others, it didn’t cost me anything. Those who gave to me bore the expense. 

In the same way, our salvation doesn’t cost us anything. All we need to do is admit that we are sinners who can’t earn our way to heaven and believe that faith in Jesus’ death on the cross saves us. The gift is free to us, but it was very expensive. Jesus bore the expense, taking our sins on the cross and offering us His righteousness. God bore the expense, having to pour out His wrath on His only Son so He wouldn’t have to punish us. That’s why I call God’s gift to us “Infinite Generosity.” God has already given the gift. It's free! Will you accept it?


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