At Grace Redeemer Community Church we are committed to loving God, loving others, and helping people follow Christ. We believe that every one of our ministries are centered on and help to accomplish this purpose. For more information about our ministries, please read below. If you have questions, please contact us.

Worship Team

We are blessed to have a wealth of skilled musicians among our church members who volunteer their time and talent during praise and worship. Each weekend we have a slightly different set of volunteers. If you are interested joining one of the worship teams, please contact our Worship Director.

Men’s Ensemble

Our Men’s Ensemble is a volunteer group that performs on occasional Sunday Services, community events such as Christmas Carols at local shopping centers, and local senior community centers. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, contact our Worship Director.

Bible Studies

We have three Bible Studies that meet once a week; A church-wide Bible or topical study on Wednesday Evening, A Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study, and Tuesday Evening Women’s Bible Study. The locations for these studies vary each week so please check the church bulletin for more info. You can also find more information by contacting one of our elders.

Social Events

In addition to gathering on Sunday mornings, we love to gather for fellowship routinely throughout the year through a variety of social events. These include picnics, hosted dinners at home, occasional group breakfast, Super Bowl gatherings and more. For information on these events and how to participate, see your church bulletin and listen for church announcements. You can also visit our calendar or check out our Facebook Page.

Children & Youth

We are also blessed with members who have a passion for children’s ministy and caring for God’s children. These ministries include monitoring the nursing/crying room, teaching Sunday School (which takes place during church service), and a youth ministry for teens that meets every other week.  We also have an Adult Sunday School that meets at 9 a.m. before service on Sunday mornings.

Missions & Outreach

Grace Redeemer supports a number of local, national and international ministries.